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1) "He can get drunk in a drag race or dancing without ever getting near alcohol. In our neighborhood it's rare to find a kid who doesn't drink once in a while. But Soda never touches a drop - he doesn't need to. He gets drunk on just plain living" (8).


2) "Soda is handsomer than anyone else I know. Not like Darry - Soda's movie-star kind of handsome, the kind that people stop on the street to watch go by. He's not as tall as Darry, and he's a little slimmer, but he is finely drawn, sensitive face that somehow manages to be reckless and thoughtful at the same time" (7). 


3) "Soda tries to understand, at least, which is more than Darry does. But then, Soda is different from anybody: he understands everything, almost." (2).


4) "I had to grin at him - Soda can make you grin no matter what. i guess it's becasue he's always grinning so much himself" (8). 

1) "Soda threw one arm across my neck. He mumbled something drowsily. 'Listen, kidd, when Darry hollers at you... he don't mean nothing'. He's just got more worreis than somebody his age ought to. Don't take him serious... you dig, Pony? Don't let him bug you. He's real proud of you 'cause you're so brainy. It's just because you the baby- I mean, he loves you a lot. Savvy?'" (17).


2) "'You know what?' Sodapop said to no one in particular. 'When we stop the Socies good, me and Stevie here are gonna throw a big party and everybody 


Quotes About Sodapop

Quotes by Sodapop


can get stoned. Then we'll go chase the Socs clear to Mexico.'" (111).


3) "Soda was glaring at him. 'Leave my kid brother alone, you hear? It ain't his fault he likes to go to movies, and it ain't his fault the Socs like to jump us, and if he had been carying a blade it would have been a good excuse to cut him to ribbons.'" (13). 


4) " Soda was fiddling with some daed grass. 'I mean i can't take sides. It'd be easier if I could, but I see both sides. Darry yells too much and tries too hard and takes everything too serious, and Ponyboy, you don't think enough, you don't realize all Darry's giving up to give you a chance he missed out on...'" (175). 

Physical Charactersitcs

Soda is the handsomest character in the whole novel, movie-star kind of handsome. Being a Curtis, he is tall and has a build, but not as tall and muscular as Darry. He has dark-gold hair and a reckless but also thoughtful face. His hair is combed back, long and silky and straight. When the sun shines on his hair, itis like wheat-gold according to Ponyboy. His eyes are like his dads, dark brown and lively, dancing, and recklessly laughing type of eyes. Just like all greasers, his hair is also greasy. 

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